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Coaches and Volunteers for Girls on the Run

The incredible impact of the Girls on the Run (GOTR) movement is a reality because of our passionate people like you! Volunteer today to make our movement even stronger!

Volunteer Opportunities

Support the Next Generation of Girls

When a girl runs, she lives in the moment.

She’s no longer small, big, slow, fast, shy, loud, rule-breaker or rule-follower. The layers peel away with every step she takes until all that remains is strength. Utter confidence in her abilities and, by extension, herself. Through running, she discovers her power.

At Girls on the Run, the finish line is just the beginning.

Girls on the Run of the High Country has some of the best volunteers in the world! With only one part-time staff member, GOTR-HC wouldn’t be able to operate without the many many committed volunteers stepping up every year to make the program as successful as it is.


Girls on the Run coaches are trained volunteers who lead a team of participants through a season of powerful and fun lessons. You do not need to be a runner; you simply need to have a desire to support and encourage the next generation. Coaches receive all the tools and support they need and find that they get as much out of coaching as they give.


  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • Consent to and complete a background check
  • Attend and finish Coach Training (online and in-person)
  • Commit to the season’s practice schedule, which is two times per week after school
  • At least one female coach over 21 must be present at all times
  • At least one coach must have Adult CPR certification (provided free of charge to coaches)


    • Get to know and understand your co-coaches to better serve your team
    • Have fun while serving as a role model for progam participants
    • Review, prepare and supervise weekly lessons (curriculum and supplies provided by Girls on the Run)
    • Collaborate with other coaches for successful lesson delivery
    • Commit for the entire season (practices and end-of-season 5K event)
    • Facilitate communication with parents/guardians of program participants


      • Availability twice a week for 10 weeks for 1.5 hours (between 2:30-5:00pm)
      • Lesson preparation ~15 minutes
      • Must attend end of the Girls on the Run of the High Country 5K and participate either by running or cheering!

      5K Helpers

      Twice per year (early December and early May) Girls on the Run of the High Country hosts the GOTR-HC 5K for program participants and their running buddies. The 5K celebrations are open to community runners in addition to program participants!

      The goal of each 5K is for the girls to do their best and HAVE FUN! Girls are not encouraged to race competitively but are encouraged to reach their own goals. For most girls, that’s making it to the finish line- whether it is by walking, running or skipping.

      To make this a FUN event, we will need helpers to fill the following positions:

      • Sparkle Squad: This is a dedicated group of folks who will cheer girls on from the back of the pack! Every girl finishes and some need the support and encouragement of an entire team. Sparkle squad members must be able to walk a 3.1-mile distance.
      • Cheerleaders: Bring your homemade signs, cowbells, noise makers, and hula-girl costumes!
      • Decorators: We would love to liven up the event with a balloon arch, signs, banners, etc.
      • Directional Flag-wavers: The route for the course will be basic and clearly marked but we will still need flag-wavers to make sure participants stay on course.

      If you would like to volunteer as a helper at the GOTR-HC 5K, please fill out the volunteer application or send an email to


      GOTR welcomes committed students to participate in summer and academic year internships. Interns work with the program coordinator and other program volunteers and affiliates, developing meaningful connections and gaining valuable experience in mentorship, marketing, fundraising and program development.

      We are welcoming applications for Summer 2025 internships, please see the Summer Internship information below for details.

      We will begin to conduct interviews beginning early March 2025. We welcome you to complete an application for a summer internship.

      Summer Internship

      The primary responsibility of the GOTR-HC intern is to serve as a Girls on the Run coach and to work with the Council Director and Program Coordinator to implement a successful summer program. Coaching with Camp GOTR is a rewarding way to get involved with the Girls on the Run program. As a coach, you will get to inspire girls to help them learn skills they will use now and as they grow. Camp GOTR Coaches will develop meaningful connections with a team of participants and co-coaches, help girls develop new skills, and create a positive, inclusive environment where all girls feel free to be themselves.

      Other summer internship responsibilities include working on various aspects of marketing, fundraising and program development for Girls on the Run and Camp GOTR. Your experience will provide a unique opportunity to execute knowledge based in child development, health promotion and health education, as well as gaining experience in non-profit management and organization.

      Summer Internship Position Description

      For more information or to apply for a summer internship, contact Mary Sheryl Horine, GOTR-HC Council Director, at 828-262-7557 or

      Academic Year Internship

      Girls on the Run of the High Country has supported interns from various disciplines at App State, including students from health promotions, counseling, exercise science, nutrition, social work, recreation, non-profit management, and nursing. We’re happy to work with you, your advisor, and the chairperson of your department to facilitate a valuable learning experience.

      The primary responsibility of the GOTR-HC intern is to work with the Council Director to implement a successful program and to assist with other community health outreach efforts at the Appalachian Institute for Health and Wellness. Experience will include mentoring girls, marketing and administrative skill development, and serving on the GOTR-HC Advisory Board.

      Other related opportunities at App Well may include work on The Active Choice or the Community Resource Directory projects. The position provides a unique opportunity to execute knowledge based in health promotion and health education and to gain non-profit and program management experience.

      If you are interested in pursuing an academic year internship or field placement, please contact Mary Sheryl Horine, GOTR-HC Council Director, at

      Engage with Outreach & Education