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Girls on the Run Partners and Sponsors

Girls on the Run of the High Country is made possible through the generous support of our local and national partners, individual and business donors, volunteers and community members.

Support Girls on the Run of the High Country

Help make a difference by empowering girls in the High Country!

Girls on the Run uplifts and inspires girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. We believe that EVERY GIRL is inherently FULL OF POWER and POTENTIAL. GOTR helps girls build friendships, develop essential life skills that increase their confidence and self-esteem, and make a positive impact on their community through service projects.

Ninety-seven percent of GOTR participants indicate they learned critical life skills including managing emotions, intentional decision-making, resolving conflict, and helping others. Participants also demonstrate increased engagement and performance in other areas of their lives.

Your support allows us to provide a fun and inclusive program for all of our GOTR participants. Contributions make a positive impact through volunteer training and by allowing us to enhance the GOTR experience through special activities and events, such as the “Energy Awards” where girls recognize each other for their efforts, kindness and the unique attributes that make them special.

Local Champions

We’re grateful to our local partners who support us through their investment in Girls on the Run of the High Country. Together we’re creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.

Beech Mountain Resort
Women's Fund of the Blue Ridge
Sweeting Appraisals
Watauga Women in Leadership

Founding Donors

Our founding donors made starting the GOTR-HC Council possible:

  • ZAP Fitness
  • John and Faye Cooper
  • Chip and Amanda Williamson
  • Dianne DaVant and Associates
  • BeActive Appalachian Partnership
  • ASU Institute for Health and Human Services
  • Rob and Jackie Dyer of the Best Cellar/Inn at Ragged Gardens
  • Dentist Office of Mahew, Scheffler, Conn and Hardaway
  • Gaines Kiker Silversmith/Goldsmith
  • High Country Energy Solutions
  • Jay and Michelle Johnson
  • ARHS, Wellness Center
  • Walter J. Hoyt Family
  • Mast General Store
  • Boone Drugs, Inc.
  • Larry and Mary Ellen Horine

National Partners

Through their generous financial support and activation strategies, our National Partners elevate awareness of our program and support organizational needs. Each is committed to empowering women, girls and families to be healthy, confident and joyful.

GOTR National Partners