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Autism and Neurodiversity Clinical Services

The Interprofessional Clinic at the Appalachian Institute for Health and Wellness offers a variety of services and supports for children and adults who are on, or suspected of being on, the spectrum of autism and other similar disorders.

Clinical and Developmental Services


Our team provides low-volume diagnostics for children and adults who are suspected of being on the spectrum of autism, as well as in-depth assessments of related speech and language functioning to guide potential treatments or referrals.

Individual & Group Therapy

Our therapy team includes audiologists, speech-language pathologists, social work, and psychology professionals to provide counseling and support, treatment in individual and group formats, and educational programming and referrals, as needed.

Preschool Language Classroom

The Preschool Language Classroom (PLC) at Appalachian State University is offered for preschool-age children (2-5 years old) who have communication delays or disorders.

Children attend the PLC for four mornings per week (Monday-Thursday) from 8:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. They are involved in group activities such as story time, art, music, play, and snack time. The objective is to facilitate their communication skills during each of these activities in a natural setting.

In addition to the classroom activities, children have the opportunity to receive individual therapy sessions on a daily basis. Team coordination with local agencies such as the Children’s Developmental Services Agency (CDSA), Watauga County Preschool Program, and Watauga County Schools also is part of the PLC.

Contact & Appointments

For appointments, additional information and questions about services, please reach out to the Interprofessional Clinic.



University Hall Location: 828-262-2185

Payment Portal

If you received a bill for services, please visit our secure online payment portal.

If you have questions about your bill, please contact us at